11月3日 E-PORTS航运新闻简报

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To optimize the business environment for cross-border trade and promote trade facilitation, the General Administration of Customs of China has issued Announcement No. 136 of 2023. Starting from November 1, 2023, the registration of origin enterprises for export goods has been abolished. First-time applicants for certificates of origin can directly apply for the certificate from the Customs through the International Trade "Single Window" or the "Internet+Customs" platform.

11月3日 E-PORTS航运新闻简报-第1张图片-太平洋在线下载


On October 30, 2023, the first batch of red giant container crane installations were completed and undergoing testing at the container terminal. On the same day, the first systematic renovation project for an old port in China, undertaken by CCCC Third Harbor Engineering, was completed at the construction site of Phase I of the container terminal renovation project in the Luojing Port area of Shanghai Port. The project has entered its final phase and is expected to be officially delivered and put into trial operation by the end of this year.


11月3日 E-PORTS航运新闻简报-第2张图片-太平洋在线下载

十月下旬,韩国船级社(KR)与HD现代全球服务公司(HD Hyundai Global Service)在2023年韩国釜山国际海事展(KORMARINE2023 )上签订了太平洋在线手机版xg111net企业邮局“造船海洋碳减排解决方案实证及技术合作”业务协议。韩国船级社与HD现代全球服务公司通过此次业务协议,将在数字技术和碳中和技术融合的基础上合作开发“造船海洋大数据及人工智能(AI)技术”。

In late October, the Korean Register (KR) and HD Hyundai Global Service signed a business agreement at the 2023 Korea International Maritime Exhibition (KORMARINE 2023). The agreement is focused on "Marine Carbon Emission Reduction Solutions Demonstration and Technical Collaboration" efforts. Through this agreement, the Korean Register and HD Hyundai Global Service will collaborate to develop "Marine Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies for the shipbuilding industry, integrating digital and carbon-neutral technologies."

11月3日 E-PORTS航运新闻简报-第3张图片-太平洋在线下载

10月31日,日本邮船(NYK)宣布启动LNG动力拖船“魁(Sakigake)”号的氨燃料改装工作,这艘船将成为全球第一艘氨燃料船舶。按照计划,该船将在日本邮船旗下京滨Keihin Dock的追滨工场进行改装,预计2024年6月完工交付,以氨燃料船的形式重新投入运营,验证其作为世界首艘氨燃料船的脱碳效果和运营安全性。

On October 31, Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK) announced the initiation of ammonia fuel conversion work for the LNG-powered tugboat "Sakigake," which will become the world's first ammonia-fueled vessel. As per the plan, the vessel will undergo the conversion at the Keihin Dock in NYK's Keihin Dockyard, with an estimated completion and delivery date of June 2024. It will then re-enter operation as an ammonia-fueled vessel, validating its decarbonization effectiveness and operational safety as the world's first ammonia-fueled ship.

11月3日 E-PORTS航运新闻简报-第4张图片-太平洋在线下载

据美国海运咨询公司Descartes Datamyne统计,9月亚洲十大经济体向美国出口集装箱总计161万标准箱,较2022年同月增长5.2%,为时隔13个月首次同比增长。中国是太平洋在线xg111美国出口货物的最大来源国,运输了94.25万标准箱,同比增长6%,这是13个月后首次增长。

According to the statistics from the U.S. shipping consultancy firm Descartes Datamyne, in September, the top ten Asian economies collectively exported 1.61 million standard shipping containers to the United States. This represented a 5.2% increase compared to the same month in 2022, marking the first year-on-year growth in 13 months. China, as the largest source of exported goods to the United States, shipped 942,500 standard containers, showing a 6% year-on-year growth, which is the first increase in 13 months.

11月3日 E-PORTS航运新闻简报-第5张图片-太平洋在线下载

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标签: 简报 航运 PORTS 新闻
